We do things that actually move the needle, and don’t just make for a nice press release.

Here's how we're different from other environmental consultants:

1) We work with you and your team to calculate your comprehensive carbon footprint so you know it's accurate. Online calculators and softwares have their place, but often have limited fields, and are trusting the user to identify their top contributing factors. We’re fans of the face-to-face approach.

2) We look at the overview of your business, and provide strategic suggestions on how changes in your team’s operation and value chain can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. In that spirit, we provide year-round environmental consulting services to our partners.

3) We are VERY aware of the issues surrounding the carbon offset world, and are fighting to have a seat at the table to implement strict regulations on carbon neutrality claims while developing rigorous, globally accepted carbon reduction/offset standards that take more than carbon into account. Every day that passes, the rigor needed to move the needle increases exponentially, and we're here to ensure that happens. We're not here to cut corners (or let anyone else).

4) In addition to retiring registered offset credits in your name, your donations also support community carbon reduction projects, environmental education, climate change victim relief, and environmental policy advocacy. We don’t just think about things in terms of greenhouse gasses, we think about alleviating poverty, reducing inequalities, clean water, healthy oceans, etc. Take a look at the Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs) to see what (on top of reducing greenhouse gas emissions) we are striving towards.

5) We showcase your brand as an environmental leader. We do everything we possibly can to make working with us a smart business move.

Our team is here to effectively restore balance to our planet. We consider ourselves environmental mathematicians and don’t trust anyone else to do what we do, well.


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